Be there for young people facing homelessness in Brisbane

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$47 could provide food and basic toiletries, or a sleeping bag for a young person sleeping rough.
$72 could provide an hour of street outreach to young people sleeping rough.
$126 could purchase a night of emergency accommodation.

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Your donation today can help give young people and young families a safe place to call home, alongside wraparound support to overcome challenges and achieve life goals. 

Jack's story

I reached out to BYS after my school’s youth worker referred me. They had heard I was sleeping rough and saw that I needed help.

When I first walked into BYS, I met Michael. For the first time in my life, I felt truly heard and understood. It didn’t take long before I was accepted into Windsor House, which became a turning point in my life.

Since then, my friendships have improved, my mental health is finally getting better rather than worse for the first time, and I’ve regained my sense of self-worth.

Now I’m on track to finish school by the end of next year, which is something I never thought would be possible. I’ve also managed to maintain employment, something I couldn’t do before because of my mental health struggles.

Looking to the future, I’ve always had a passion for music and an interest in youth work. My time at Windsor House has confirmed that I have the ability to help others in the same way I’ve been helped.

How your gift helps

Every day, dozens of young people turn to Brisbane Youth Service seeking urgent safety and support. Many have fled from violence and trauma, and face complex barriers to housing, good health, education, and employment.  

Despite the challenges they face, the young people we meet are resilient and courageous. Even with brief support from Brisbane Youth Service, many young people can move out of crisis and thrive in our community. 

These are just some of the outcomes we achieved in 2023-24:



Decrease in young people living in unsafe housing


good or great mental health more than




indicated that their violence situations were a bit or much better after coming to BYS

About Brisbane Youth Service

Since 1977, Brisbane Youth Service has been supporting young people (aged 12-25) who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness in Brisbane and surrounding areas.

Today, we work with around 3,000 young people and their children each year – offering early intervention and wraparound support to break the cycle of homelessness into adulthood.

Our free, confidential services include:
  • crisis and transitional housing
  • emergency relief
  • physical and mental health services
  • alcohol and drug interventions
  • domestic and family violence support
  • specialist programs for young women and young families